Movie poster associated with the Citizens for Klamath County Schools' "Love Your School" event

Join us at Henley High School to show support for your Klamath County School and enjoy a movie!

This weekend is going to be busy for the Citizens for Klamath County Schools PAC.

On Friday, April 5th, the Henley Elementary School Booster Club is joining with the Citizens for Klamath County Schools PAC to host a “Love Your School” event and movie night at the Henley High School gym.  All families throughout the Klamath County School District are invited to join us to learn more about the upcoming Klamath County School bond (measure 18-91) and enjoy a screening of “Wreck It Ralph”.  Doors open at 6:00 PM, and yes, there will be FREE popcorn and soda!

Also happening is the Klamath Basin Home Builders Association’s Home and Garden Show sponsored by Coldwell Banker Holman Premier Realty.  Starting on Friday, at 4 PM, and running through Sunday, we’ll have a booth set up to answer questions about the upcoming school bond measure, discuss how it will help our County schools, and show why our schools need help.  We’ll be at the Klamath County Fairgrounds for all three days of the show, so if you have any questions about Bond Measure 18-91, feel free to stop by and see us!  We’ll also be signing up volunteers and supporters, so if you’d like to have your name added to our List of Supporters or help out please visit our booth.

We are encouraged by the support we’ve received so far and our List of Supporters continues to grow.  Thank you to everyone who has lended their name, their time, or both for getting help for our Klamath County Schools.  Hope to see you this weekend!

The upcoming school bond measure for the Klamath County School District is officially on the ballot.  Titled “18-91: Bond for Improvements and New Elementary School“, the bond measure will be on the ballots of residents who live in the boundaries of the Klamath County School District.

Since this is a “District Measure Election”, you won’t find Measure 18-91 in the voter’s pamphlet this spring.  However, you can follow the link above to read a PDF version of the document on the Klamath County Elections Department site.  We’ve also included the text of the Klamath County School District bond measure below:


Bond for School Improvements and Construction of New Elementary School


Shall Klamath County School District be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $31,000,000
with citizen oversight? If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property
ownership that are not subject to the limits of sections 11 and 11 b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution .


 If approved, this measure would fund capital costs and bond issuance costs. Specifically, bond proceeds would be used to:

• Construct, furnish and equip a new Henley Elementary School, including site improvements and new bus loading area. Relocate
existing modular buildings to other District locations.
• Make health and life safety upgrades including fire alarms. The majority of fire alarms were installed in the 1950’s and 1960’s and
do not communicate with 911 or security monitoring companies for immediate response.
• Make energy saving improvements including new light fixtures, windows, and wall systems.
• Update flooring and ceiling tiles. Abate asbestos materials as required.
• Other improvements, including but not limited to, heating/air conditioning systems and roofs.
• Pay bond issuance costs.
Bonds would mature twenty (20) years or less from issuance and may be issued in one or more series. Estimated yearly property tax rate is $0.53 per $1,000 of assessed value. Actual rate may vary depending upon interest rates, assessed value growth, and other factors. Citizen oversight committee would ensure funds are used as intended.

Remember, election day is May 21st and all ballots must be received on that day.  And please, vote YES! on ballot measure 18-91!

And if you have any questions about the Klamath County School bond measure, you can always email us at or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.


We have terrific news – the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce is in support of the Klamath County School District bond measure!  After hearing for and against arguments for the school bond measure and taking a member survey, the Chamber of Commerce put out a press release to “take a public stance supporting the funding effort as important for local economic development and business recruitment efforts.”

You can read the full press release on the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce’s press release page.  We have also provided the text below:

The Klamath County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted, in its February General Board meeting, to publicly endorse the Klamath County School Districts $31 million bond levy on the May 2013 ballot.

Following a member survey and presentations from both sides of the issue the board voted to take a public stance supporting the funding effort as important for local economic development and business recruitment efforts.

“The Chamber membership responded with nearly 80% yes in favor of an endorsement when asked in a recent survey,” said Executive Director Charles Massie, “and the number one reason stated was community economic development.”

The measure asks voters to approve a $31 million general obligation bond levy on the May 21, 2013 ballot. The bond levy is a 20-year capital improvement levy that will equate to a tax rate of approximately 53 cents per $1,000 of assessed value.  Proceeds will be used for the construction of a new Henley Elementary School, repairs and renovation on other KCSD schools including critical repairs on roofs, windows and heating systems.

The Chamber board recognized that any tax measure is likely to meet with a mixed reaction from voters, many of whom are concerned with the state of the economy in our region, as well as impacts to senior citizens and family farmers.  But, the fact that this bond measure is restricted to construction and renovation projects means all the revenue from the bond will generate business activity in the Basin, with the economic impact likely to be multiplied as contractors and vendors carry out the work of improving our school facilities.

Additionally, well-maintained schools are essential to upholding the image and livability of all our communities, which in turn sustains a robust business environment and healthy market for housing and property sales.

Stan Gilbert, Chamber President, said, “Schools and education are a number one priority for community economic health, growth and vitality.  It is one of the first questions people ask when inquiring about the community and one of the first places they visit when considering a move to Klamath County.  We need to support local solutions to this issue.”

The Klamath County Chamber of Commerce has served Klamath County since 1905. It is a member-based association made up of businesses and individuals who work together to advance the civic, economic, industrial, professional, and cultural life of Klamath County and the City of Klamath Falls, through advocacy and broad communication connections.  Membership is available to businesses, organizations (including non-profits) and individuals. If you are interested in learning more about the Chamber, call (541) 884-5193 or visit the website

Before closing, we’d like to thank the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce for supporting Klamath County schools.  By investing in our schools, we’re investing in our future, and it’s wonderful to see the business community voicing their support for this investment.  And if you’d like to add your voice or support, please see how you can help.

May 21st is quickly approaching, and the Citizens for Klamath County Schools need your help.  And perhaps you want to help, but don’t feel comfortable donating money and don’t feel you have the time to join the committee.

No problem.

More than anything, we need folks to show their support.  So, if you’ve been looking for a quick and almost effortless way to help, here are three easy ways to do so!

1.  Join Our List Of Supporters.

By the time the election rolls around, we want to have over a thousand (1000!) supporters listed.  And to do so is easy.  Simply email us at with your name and how you would like it to appear, and we’ll add you to our growing list of supporters.  It doesn’t cost anything – but if you want to give us a small donation we would certainly appreciate it!

2.  Join Us On Facebook.

Do you have a Facebook account?  Great!  Start with “liking” our Facebook page, and if you see some information you like, please like that post and share it.  Doing so not only show support for Klamath County Schools, sharing an item helps get important information out to your friends, co-workers and family.  And the great part about sharing is that it shows people exactly what you feel is compelling and important.

3.  Put A Sign In Your Yard.  

Do a lot of cars drive by your house?  Have you ever thought you could make a few bucks by putting up a billboard?  Then you have the perfect yard for one of our yard signs!  Easier to install than a billboard, one of our yard signs will show your support for your local county school while helping build awareness for the bond measure.  Email us at for more details.

Like we said, easy.  Every bit of help and show of support helps us get closer to passing the Klamath County Schools bond measure and we sincerely appreciate your help.  If you would like to get more involved, watch our Facebook page and this website for upcoming meetings.  Everyone who wants to see our schools get the help they need is encouraged to attend.

The next meeting of the Citizens for Klamath County Schools PAC will be at 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 24, at Coldwell Banker Holman Premier Realty, 3815 S. Sixth St..

We’ll hear reports from the fundraising, publicity and volunteer coordination committees.

Anyone wishing to help with the campaign is welcome to attend March 27 and get involved. There are many, many campaign jobs to be filled.

Vote Yes! for Klamath County Schools.

The last five days have been “good news” for the Klamath County Schools bond measure.

First, a front page story appeared in the Herald and News with the headline “PAC makes case for $31M school bond“.  The article goes into a discussion Mel Ferguson, Ray Holliday, Dan Keppen and Greg Thede had with the H&N editorial board the previous Monday.  The PAC representatives talked about the challenges the bond measure faces as well as why Klamath County Schools need $31 million to complete the improvements that range from needed heating system and fire alarm upgrades to a new school for Henley Elementary to replace the collection of trailer houses that now serve as the school.

The next item appeared a mere four days later in the Sunday edition in the Focus section titled “School bond issue built with care and no fluff“.  In the opinion piece, the Herald and News editorial board presents arguments for supporting the bond measure because it focuses on upgrading the school district’s facilities while pointing out it’s been over 40 years since a bond measure has been approved for the schools.  They also quoted committee spokesperson Ray Holliday – “No salaries, no books, no athletics, no fluff is in the proposal.”

Yes – this is strictly a program to address the capital improvements our County schools need.  We’re glad to see the Herald and News supports this bond measure.  Our schools need help and the time is now.

If you would like to get involved, visit our “How You Can Help” page,  visit our facebook page and like and share our information, and add your voice to the discussion in the comments of the Herald and News stories.  Also be sure to join us at our next meeting, Wednesday, February 13th!

In case you  missed it, here’s the Herald and News’ February 10th, 2013 endorsement of the Klamath County School District’s bond measure 18-91:

School bond issue built with care and no fluff

County district needs to upgrade its facilities

Good schools pay off in many ways.

They are often the core of a community and its neighborhoods — not just for education but for community events.

Good schools, which obviously include more than good buildings, also should be viewed as an economic incentive to attract business and professional people to Klamath Falls. Want doctors? Good schools can be a big part of what it takes to attract them.

The Klamath County School District has a $31 million bond issue on the May 21 ballot that speaks to all of those points, especially the welfare of the students and the educational atmosphere in the schools.

The district is playing catch-up with much-needed renovations and repairs, focusing on improvements that will last at least 20 years — the life of the bonds. A tax levy of 53 cents per $1,000 in assessed value would be used to retire the bonds. That comes out to $53 a year for someone who owns property with an assessed value of $100,000.

The “neighborhoods” involved in the widespread school district include small communities such as Gilchrist, Bonanza, Bly, Chiloquin, Keno, Merrill and Malin. The county district, however, also serves some of the urban area’s most heavily populated neighborhoods with three large elementary schools, a junior high and two high schools in the suburbs and close-in rural area.

All of the schools would get needed help from the bond issue’s projects, which range from completely replacing one school, Henley Elementary, to large-scale upgrades in fire alarm systems and lighting — obviously important to the safety of students and staff.

Henley Elementary School is served by portable units brought in after the building was closed in 2006 because of an asbestos problem discovered when other repairs were being made to the roof.

Replacement of the school was part of a $74.9 million bond issue defeated in 2006 for the school district. It’s been 40 years since the school district had a bond issue approved, and bond issues are usually the way that tax districts, such as school districts, pay for big capital projects.

Henley Elementary is the biggest single project in the package — $19.4 million. Some of the other major projects include Chiloquin Junior-Senior High School, $2.36 million; Ferguson Elementary School, $1.56 million; Peterson Elementary School, $1.6 million; and Stearns Elementary School, $1.45 million.

There are repairs and upgrades for every school in the district.

The care taken to develop the capital program was impressive. As Ray Holliday, the spokesman for the group, said in a meeting with the Herald and news editorial board: No salaries, no books, no other staff, no athletics, no fluff is in the proposal. It’s strictly a capital improvement program to last for years. An oversight committee, including members of the public, would be established to see that money is properly spent.

The school district carries no bonded debt and ranks as the lowest in bonded debt among Oregon counties, a position that will change little even if the bonds are approved.

It looks to us like the district and its supporters have done a proper job and the proposal deserves voter support. We hope that open houses at the various schools will be included in the runup to the election because the buildings themselves are probably the best selling point.

It’s tough to ask people during a recession to raise taxes. We understand that. But we think taking good care of schools can be part of the answer.

A map of the district is available at the school district’s website,, on the left side of the opening page. The county district surrounds the Klamath Falls City School District, which is a separate district and isn’t involved in the

Editorial board

    The H&N View represents the opinion of the Herald and News Editorial Board.  Its members  are Publisher Heidi Wright, Editor Gerry O’Brien and Forum Editor Pat Bushey.

    Community advisers to the editorial board are Jeff Ball, Chip Massie and Sara Marcus.

    Pat Bushey wrote today’s editorial.

Here’s a list of members and supporters of the Citizens for Klamath County Schools Political Action Committee.

To add your name to this list, please send us an e-mail at and tell us how you’d like to help. We’ll get in touch with you.

Please join these people in voting YES! to build a new Henley Elementary School and make improvements to other school facilities throughout the entire county.

Campaign Spokesmen Ray Holliday, Mel Ferguson
Treasurer Del Fox
Campaign Chairman Todd Kepple
Secretary Nancy Sheehan
Fundraising Chairman John Adkisson
Volunteer Coordinator Melissa Hojnowski

PAC Directors
Joan Aston
Karen Brown
John Elliott
Dan Keppen
Kathy Poppe

Committee Members
Mark and Tammy Ahalt
Ryan Bartholomew
Mike and Terry Beeson
Christopher and Silvana Campbell
Shannon Hand
Katrina Meyers
Chris O’Grady
Tiffany Poe
Janell Preston
Case and Sarah Shively
Joan Staunton
Rebecca Stringer
Charles and Nancy Thompson
Tim Thompson
Steven and Kathy Vick

Leading Financial Supporters
Basin Fertilizer & Chemical Co.
Columbia Forest Products
Floyd A. Boyd Co.
Gold Dust Potato Processors
Holliday Jewelry
Klamath County Education Association
Oregon Education Association

Business Supporters
Basin Eyecare
Basin Tire
Bullet Rentals
Fox Den Ranch
Just Clean It!
Kandra Five Farm
Pacific Ridge Insurance
Turn Thom Tire Factory

Bond Measure Supporters
Greg Addington
Cecilia Amuchastegui
Nahida Audeh
Greg and Terry Austin
Jeff Ball
Jodi Beanland
Jim Bellet
Sheryl and Ed Beverly
Paul Blabzin
Joe and Margery Brick
Kristen and Brian Brink
Mark Campbell
Laura (Bocchi) and Frank Campos
Russ Carr
Rene and Ed Case
Jumi Chambrose
Robert Chambrose
John Chergosky
Sara Cline
Dick Cloud
Donny Cloud
John Combs
Debbie and Kenny Coombe
Rachel and Tyler Cox
Bart and Lexi Crawford
Martha Decker-Hall
Kathryn DeLonge
Sam and Kristen Dunlap
Ann Dupont
Dayna Durant
Chris and Laurie Edmonds
Deanna Edwards
Tammie and Thomas Eichelkraut
Jerry and Jonna Enman
Mike and Debbie Fahner
Ann Fairclo
Richard and Sharon Fairclo
Janine Fairfield
Kerry Farris
Leza Ferreira
Suzy Field
Tracy Fields
Michael Fitzgerald
Anna Fleming
Dale and Jan Fleming
Diahn Fox
Rocky French
Jeff Fritsch
Scot and Kelley Fritz
R. Terry Gail
Fran Gearhard
Tiara Gero
Dan Golden
Ken and Vicki Goswick
Mark Greif
Christy Groff
Denise Guzman
Dena Hadwick
Steve Harper
Bill Haskins
Ron Hathaway
Jerry Haugen
Brian and Jennifer Hayes
Angela Hayton
Julie Healy
Andy High
Mike Highland
Sandra Highland
Joe Hinton
Karen Hoggarth
Susan Holliday
Lee and Melinda Hopper
Luther and Candy Horsley
Megan Hunt
Gary and Sherry Hutchinson
Bob and Julia Jackman
Eric and Andrea Janney
Eric Jensen
Larry and Maureen Jesperson
Bill and Susan Johnson
Marlene Johnson
Jim Johnston
Rod and Barb Jones
Loren and Denise Kandra
Cynthia King
David and Robin King
Ross and Bonnie Kirchway
Damon and Michelle Langley
Robert and Patricia Langley
Jack Lee
Rocky and Karen Liskey
Tracy and Susan Liskey
Steven Littlejohn
Robin Lockwood
Tom Lomer
Lana Loney
Brooke and Chris Long
Linda Long
Holly Loomis
Steve Lowell
Brad and Jamie Mangan
Robin Maxson
Josh and Tiffani McCullough
Jason McDonald
Adele Meador
Patti Mensah
Lynn Mortenson
David Mosby
Kayrn Mosby
Winston Mueller
Katrina Myers
Bill Nicholson
Laura Nickerson
Kaylee Nicols
Michael and Shannon Nicosia
Bob Nieman
Tonya Olden
Nick Oosterman
Don Overstreet
Mike Overstreet
Melinda Padgett
Dave Parker
Sam Patterson
Cari Patzke
Mike Paxton
Chris and Shana Pitts
Tiffany Poe
Eric Poppe
Dave Potter
Megan and Marty Raebel
Michael Reed
Scott Renie
Sarah Rietduk
Willie Riggs
Jack Rogers
Mike Romtvedt
Jody Ronne
Nolan Rose
Darrel and Jane Rusth
Linda Schell
Don and Tara Schneider
Johanna Scholer
Robin Schwartz
Linda Seater
Marge Seutter
Sarah Shively
Ron and Kay Short
Michelle Shuffield
Steve Siders
Gerald Skelton
Carma Smith
Fred Smith
Roger and Terry Smith
Joe Spendolini
Loretta Spivey
Fern Steers
David and Linell Stock
Meghan Stock
Kristi Sturgeon
Heather and Sam Tacchini
Greg Thede
Heather Thompson
Gary Turner
Dave Vargas
Kristy and Mike Vashaw
Stephen Vick
Ken Volante
Patrick Vroman
Kristy and Ryan Weider
Pete and Debbie Weigman
Ashley West
Leslie Wilkerson
Allison Willhite
Tia Williams
Jackie Wiseman
Kenneth Woodward
Donna Woolery
Karen Wynne
Adam Yancey
Jason Young

The next meeting of the Citizens for Klamath County Schools PAC will be at 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 13, in the Coldwell Banker realty office at 3815 S. Sixth St.

We’ll hear reports from the fundraising, publicity and volunteer coordination committees.

Anyone wishing to help with the campaign is welcome to attend March 13 and get involved. There are many, many campaign jobs to be filled.

Vote Yes! for Klamath County Schools.

This table shows how much a homeowner would pay if the Klamath County School District bond measure is approved in the May 21, 2013 election.

Column one lists assessed value. Column two shows the total annual tax amount for the bond measure. Column three shows how much the tax amount would be on a per-month basis.

Tax Table